Estate Services
Free Verbal Appraisals
FEE's Only for Written Appraisals $85 first hour and $65 for every hour following for Written and Itemized Market Valuation.

Estate size or a Single Item = FREE Verbal Appraisals.
Dont Throw ANYTHING Away before I see it!
Estate Sales and CleanOuts
Prices Depend on your unique situation. Often I'll pay you and sometimes you'll pay me to "Clean it Out".

Prices are very reasonable. It's the fast way to get the house cleaned out and ready for sale and make some money.
Please, Don't Throw ANYTHING Away before I see it!
Auctions & Consignments
The Cost usually is between 30% - 50% of gross sales. We have strong relationships with several Auction Houses and can negotiate a lower cost. Consignments are reserved.

This option is best for estates with marketable/in demand antiques, tools, cars and heavy equipment. We can provide for an Onsite Auction or pick up and facilitate an In-House Auction.
Please, Please, Don't Throw ANYTHING Away before I see it!
Monday - Friday 12:30 - 5 pm
*Appointment Prefered*
324 Grove Street
Worcester, MA 01605
Text or Call for Questions or Appointment: